What is the role of health in human capital formation

The process of obtaining and growing the population of knowledgeable and experienced individuals is known as "human capital formation." It is a significant contributor to economic growth since a fit and educated workforce is more creative and productive.

The development of human capital requires a healthy population. Employees who are in good health are more creative, imaginative, and engaged at work. Additionally, they are less likely to be absent from work owing to illness, which can save companies money.

The Relationship between Productivity and Health

Productivity and health go hand in hand closely. According to studies, productive workers are up to 20% more productive than unproductive ones. This is because healthy employees are more likely to be able to perform at their highest level and to miss fewer days of work.

How a Lack of Health Can Affect the Formation of Human Capital

A human capital formation may be significantly harmed by poor health. For instance, research has demonstrated that being unwell can result in:

Absenteeism. Sick employees are more likely to skip work, which can lower productivity and drive up costs for companies.

Disability-related workers may not be able to work at all, which might have a terrible effect on their families and the economy as a whole.

The Function of Healthcare Investment

One of the most crucial methods to increase the generation of human capital is to invest in healthcare. Governments may contribute to ensuring that their citizens are healthy and productive by ensuring that they have access to high-quality healthcare.

The Value of Having Access to Good Healthcare

Having access to high-quality healthcare is crucial for developing human capital. People are more likely to be healthy and able to function at their highest ability when they have access to healthcare.

The Function of Health Promotion and Education

Additionally, health promotion and education can help to enhance the results of human capital. Governments can contribute to the prevention of diseases and the improvement of general health by educating people about healthy lifestyles.

Governmental Programmes and Policies

Governments can take a number of actions to improve health in the development of human capital. These consist of:

1. Purchasing medical supplies.

2. Securing access to high-quality medical care.

3. Encourage healthy living.

4. Putting into place regulations that safeguard employees' health.


A major factor in the development of human capital is health. Governments may support the improvement of human capital outcomes and increase economic growth by making investments in healthcare, promoting healthy lifestyles, and implementing laws that safeguard the health of workers.

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