Important questions

Unit 1: Introduction to Business Finance Unit 1: Investment Decisions Unit 2: Financing Decision
1. What is the main purpose of financial management in a business? a) Maximizing employee satisfaction 4. Which capital budgeting method considers both the time value of money and provides the net monetary gain from an investment? a) Payback period 6. What does "Capitalization" refer to in financial terms?
b) Minimizing taxes b) NPV (Net Present Value) a) The process of raising capital through loans
c) Maximizing shareholder wealth c) IRR (Internal Rate of Return) b) The total debt of a company
d) Minimizing production costs d) ARR (Accounting Rate of Return) c) The sum of a company's common stock and long-term debt
2. The objective of financial management that focuses on increasing the value of the company for shareholders is known as: a) Profitability maximization 5. Payback period is defined as: a) The time taken to earn back the initial investment 7. The Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) is the average cost of:
b) Revenue maximization b) The time period in which the project generates maximum revenue a) Equity financing
c) Shareholder satisfaction c) The time taken for a project to break even b) Debt financing
d) Shareholder wealth maximization d) The time taken for a project to achieve its highest profitability c) Both equity and debt financing
3. Time Value of Money refers to the concept that: a) Money has a constant value over time 8. Overcapitalization refers to a situation where:
b) Money should be spent as soon as it's earned a) A company has more debt than equity
c) A sum of money today is worth more than the same sum in the future b) A company's total capital is less than its actual needs
d) Money's value decreases over time c) A company's assets are overvalued
d) A company's liabilities exceed its assets

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